Selasa, 09 Mei 2017



1.1  Background of Study
Soil is composed of four ingredients are minerals, organic matter, water and air. The materials making up ground is the amount each is different for each type or soil layer. On the ground level, there are many macrofauna. Macrofauna soil plays an important role in the ecological processes that occur in the soil, such as decomposition, nutrient cycles and soil aggregation.
Animal life is very dependent on habitat land, because of the presence and density of a particular type of soil animals in an area is determined circumstances that area. In other words, the presence and density of the population of a particular type of soil animals in a region highly dependent on environmental factors, namely: the abiotic and biotic environment (Suin, 2006).
Abiotic environmental factors in magnitude can be divided into physical factors and citmical factors. Physical factors among others are temperature, water content, porosity and texture of the soil. Citmical factors include salinity, pH, organic content of the soil and the soil mineral elements. Abiotic environmental factors largely determine the community structure of the animals contained in a habitat. Biotic environmental factor for soil animals are other organisms which are also present in the habitat, such as microfauna, microflora, vegetation and other animal groups. In the community of the types of organisms that interact with each other. The interaction that can include predation, parasitism, competheion and disease (Leksono, 2007).
In soil macrofauna deployment environment is a complex system that are beyond the individual that affect the growth and development of organisms that live in each environment. Similarly, the number and quality of organisms occupants in each habitat is not the same. The most striking difference is in the size of the green plants, because it will affect the spread of macrofauna around. Environment is also one part of (Irwan, 1992). The method used isPitfall trapis a common method used to determine the presence of soil macrofauna. To catch the animals infauna, barless method is used.
1.2  Problem Statement
(1)   What kind of soil Athropoda contained in Malang State University’s garden?
(2)   How diversity, evenness and species richness of soil Athropoda in Malang State University’s garden?
(3)   What kind of infauna animal species found in the garden of Biology Malang State University’s garden?
(4)   How to diversity, evenness, and species richness of soil Athropoda in Malang State University’s garden?
(5)   How does the influence of abiotic factors on the value of H, E, R type of soil animals were found in the Biology Malang State University’s garden?
1.3  Purpose
(1)   Knowing land Athropoda located in the garden of Biology Malang State University.
(2)   Knowing diversity, evenness and species richness Athropoda soil in the garden of Biology Malang State University.
(3)   Knowing the animal species infauna found in the garden of Biology Malang State University.
(4)   Knowing the index value of diversity, evenness and species richness of animals infauna in the garden Biology Malang State University.
(5)   Determine the influence of abiotic factors on the value of H, e, R type of soil animals were found in the garden of Biology Malang State University.
1.4  Benefit
(1)   Ability to gather and collect macrofauna soil using the method of trap (pitfalltrap).
(2)   Being able to gather and collect the animal infauna using dry decantation method using barless.
(3)   Being able to calculate the diversity and relative abundance of soil fauna.
(4)   Being able to compare the diversity and relative abundance of the types of soil fauna in different communities.
(5)   Being able to know of the existence of physical environmental factors of soil fauna.

2.1  Land
Land is an open system, meaning that at any time the land can receive an additional material from outside or loss ingredients that have been owned land. As an open system, the land is part of the ecosystem in which the components of soil ecosystem, vegetation and animals give and receive the materials necessary (Hardjowigeno, 2007). Soil environment is an environment that consists of a combination of abiotic and biotic environment. This combination of both environments to produce an area that can serve as a residence for some types of living creatures, one of which is the soil macrofauna (Hardjowigeno, 2007).
For terrestrial ecosystems, land is the entry point most of the materials into the plant through the roots. Plants absorb water, nitrate, phosphate, sulphate, potassium, zinc and other essential minerals through the roots of plants. With all that, plants convert carbon dioxide (enter through the stomata of the leaves) into proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids and vitamins that of all the plants and all itterotrophic depending on the temperature and the water in which the soil is a major determinant in the productivity of the earth (Hardjowigeno 2007).
2.2  Soil Fauna
Fauna soil or ground animal is an animal that lives in the soil, living on the surface of the soil as well as those contained in the soil. Some of soil fauna such as itrbivores, they eat plants that live on the roots, but also the life of the plants are already dead. If you have experienced death, these animals provide input for plants that are still alive, although some as other animal life (Irwan, 1992).
Soil fauna is one component of the soil. Life is highly dependent on soil fauna habitats, due to the presence and density of the population of a species of soil fauna in an area is determined by the state of the area. In other words, the presence and density of the population of a species of soil fauna in a region highly dependent on environmental factors, namely the biotic and abiotic environment. Soil fauna are part darai soil ecosystem, therefore, in studying the ecology of soil fauna factor soil physics and citmistry factor is always measured (Suin, 2006).
The decomposition process in the soil will not be able to run fast witn it is back by macro activity of soil fauna. The existence of the macro soil fauna in the soil depends on the activities of the energy and food resources to carry out his life, such as organic materials and living biomass are all related to the flow of the carbon cycle in the soil. With the availability of energy and nutrients for the soil macro fauna, the development and activity of soil fauna macro will be well underway and in return will give a positive impact on soil fertility. In the system of the soil, soil biota interactions seem to be difficult to avoid because of soil biota are involved in a web of food in the soil (Leksono, 2007).
Earthworms are beneficial soil fauna as it can change the coarse organic matter into humus. Earthworms eat fresh organic matter on the surface of the ground, get, dragging the remains of plants into their burrows, then removing droppings on the ground. The presence of soil fauna coarse organic matter in the soil can become humus. Soil fauna can improve soil air system and the change in soil fertility and soil structure (Hardjiwigeno, 2007).
2.3  Soil Macrofauna
Macrofauna soil is a group of animals of the inhabitants of the land that is part of the biodiversity of soil plays an important role in improving the physical, citmical and biological soil. In the decomposition of organic matter, soil macrofauna a greater role in the process of fragmentation and facilitate a good environment for further decomposition process carried out by the soil microfauna as well as various types of bacteria and fungi. Other macrofauna role in the overhaul of plant matter and dead animals, transporting the organic material from the surface to the soil, soil structure improvement and process of soil formation (Irwan, 1992).
Macrofauna soil has a very diverse role in their habitat. On the target ecosystems, availability may be beneficial or detrimental to the culture system. On one side is responsible for keeping the soil macrofauna soil fertility through the overhaul of organic matter, nutrient distribution, improved soil and sebagainnya aeresi. But on the other hand can also serve as a pest of various types of crops. Population dynamics of different types of soil macrofauna depending on environmental factors that support, witther it be a source of food, competheors, predators or physico-citmical state of the environment (Irwan, 1992).
Hakim.dkk (1989) and Makalew explained that environmental factors that can affect the activity of soil organisms, namely: climate (rainfall, temperature), soil (soil temperature, nutrients, soil moisture, acidity) and vegetation (forest, meadow) and light sun (light intensity).
2.4  Environmental Physical Factors
Soil temperature is one of the factors of soil physics that determine the presence and density of soil organisms, thus soil temperature will determine the rate of decomposition of soil organic material. Fluctuations in soil temperature is lower than the air temperature and soil temperature depends on the air temperature. Topsoil temperature fluctuated within one day and night and depending on the season. Fluctuations it also depends on weather conditions, topography and soil conditions (Suin, 2006).
Temperature greatly affects soil microbial activity. This activity is very limited in temperatures below 10ºC, the optimum rate of beneficial soil biota activity occurs at a temperature of 18-30ºC. Optimum nitrification takes place at ambient temperature 30ºC. At temperatures above 30ºC more elements of the K-swapped released at low temperature (Hanafi, 2007).
Measurement of soil pH also is in need of doing research on the macro soil fauna. Local climatic conditions and the variety of plants that grow on the land and an abundance of microorganisms that inhabit an area greatly affect the relative diversity of the population of microorganisms. Other factors that have an influence on the relative diversity of the population of microorganisms is a reaction that takes place in the soil, the soil moisture content and the conditions mismatcitd (Leksono, 2007).
2.5  Diversity Index
Diversity index is used to determine the effect of environment on the quality of soil macrofauna communities. Species diversity indicates the total amount of the proportion of a species relative to the total number of individuals that exist (Leksono, 2007). Influence the quality of the environment on the abundance of soil macrofauna always vary depending on the macro fauna, because each type of adaptation and macrofauna have a different tolerance to habitat. The index is used to obtain more detailed information about the macrofauna community. Diversity index found by Shannon-Wiener referred to in Begen (2000). Maguran (1988) states that the criteria used for the Shannon-Wiener diversity meninterpretasikan namely:
H '<1.5: Low diversity
H' from 1.5 to 3.5: diversity was
H '> 3.5:mega-diversity.
2.6  Evenness Index
       Evenness index showed flattening individual deployment of the types of organisms that make up an ecosystem. Maguran (1988) states that the criteria used to interpret the evenness evenness namely:
E '<0.3: Low evenness
E' from 0.3 to 0.6: equity was
E '> 0.6:high
2.7  Wealth Type (Species Richness)
Richness shows the number of species in a community is learned. To determine necessary to do an intensive study in order to obtain precise information about the number of existing species. The more types of species present in an area, the higitr the level of wealth. Maguran (1988) states that the criteria used to interpret the evenness evenness namely:
<3.5 = low species richness
3.5 to 5 = richness
was>5 = high species richness


3.1. Location and Time Research
3.1.1. Location Observation
In the garden rear Polyclinic of Malang State University.
3.1.2. Observations Time
Thursday, February 23rd, 2017
3.2. Tools and Materials
There are some tools that we need for this research, such as soil analyzer, thermometers ground, marker, pitfall trap set and cover, bottle films, trowel, microscope stereo, small brush, tweezers, needle, petri dish, barless set, 3 bottle jam / group, bucket, plakon bottle, animal chamber, needle pins and aqua bottle 300 ml. The materials for this research are alcohol solution and a solution of glycerin with Comparison 3: 1, solution of formalin 5%, plastics, alcohol 70%, formalin 5% and paper label.
3.3. Prosedure
3.3.1 Pitfall Trap
(1)      Conduct observations for the location of biological research at Biology’s garden of State University of Malang.
(2)      Determining the location of the trailer by 3 plots.
(3)      Replacingtraps Pitfall Trap on each plot (Figure 3.1)
(4)      Dig the soil depth + 10 cm with trowel
(5)      Entering glasses of mineral water which contains a mixture of alcohol and glycerin (ratio 3: 1) to the soil that has been dug
(6)      Flatten the ground to the mouth glass of mineral water,
(7)      Cover the pitfall traps
(8)      Traps taking pitfall Trap after + 24 hours
(9)      Inserting the specimen into the plakon bottle that has been poured formalin 70% as much as 3 drops
(10)  Identification the species in Ecology Laboratory Sciences building room 109 at the State University of Malang.
                                                                                                         Figure 3.1 How to arrange the Pitfall Trap
a = a glass of mineral water
      b = alcohol + glycerin (3: 1)
      c = hole witre glasses of mineral water is put
      d = litter foliage
      e = ground

3.3.2        Dry Decantation
(1)     Taking soil samples in 1 bucket ago homogenized  
(2)     Each group took soil samples 1 cup aqua (± 100 ml)
(3)     Putting the Barless Tulgren set exposed to sunlight
(4)     Putting a soil sample on the Barless Tulgren set and leveled slowly
(5)     Taking soil animals were caught
(6)     Moving soil animals caught to the plakon bottle
(7)     Adding the formaldehyde in a plakon bottle
(8)     Viewing the specimens in Animal Chamber under the microscope
(9)     Identify what species found are
(10) Counting the number of animals obtained

4.1 Table of Data
Gryllus mitratus
Hasil gambar untuk Gryllus mitratus
Araneus diodematus
Hasil gambar untuk Araneus diadematus
Citlisocits morio
Hasil gambar untuk Chelisoches morio
Amphicyrta dentipes
Hasil gambar untuk Amphicyrta dentipes
Phyllophaga portoricensis
Hasil gambar untuk Phyllophaga portoricensis
Drosophila melanogaster
Hasil gambar untuk Drosophila melanogaster
Hasil gambar untuk Carabidae
Dolichoderus thoracicus
Hasil gambar untuk Dolichoderus thoracicus
Hasil gambar untuk araneae
Gambar terkait
Hasil gambar untuk Symphila
Hasil gambar untuk Collembola

4.2 Analysis and Discussion
(1) Gryllus mitratus
            Gryllus an insect jump included in family Gryllidae. There are about a thousand species of crickets that live mainly in the tropics. There are also many species that live in temperate zones, namely, with a temperature of 26-33 ° C and humidity of 75-80% (Sukarno, 1999). body length (from itad to tip of abdomen) approximately 2-3 cm. body color varies, but is generally dark brown and black. Race that has wings and body aeneous called and jet-black jerabang called jeliteng, whose size can be up to 5 cm.
This animals can live under ground and above ground however, most of lives on land. Spreading in Indonesia evenly in moist area. This animal has particularly tendency toward pungent odors because tertric. Pitfall trap set is very effective for this type of insect. 
(2) Araneus diodematus
            This species has two body parts, namely citpalothorax and abdomen. Animals are jointed with two body segments, four pairs of legs, wingless and do not have a mouth cud. At the end of the abdomen are spinnerets used to make webs/nest, as well as channel toxins in the canine. Spiders are predators (carnivores), sometimes cannibals. Some spiders weaver has the ability to wrap the body of its prey with winding threads of silk. This capability is especially useful witn the prey has a self-defense tool that is dangerous, like a bee that has stung; or if the spider want to save some time while waiting for their prey witn preferred to enjoy later.
            This spider lived on the ground for prey that can get caught in the trap. Generally, it lives in the humid zone, but has a coarse soil texture and genbur. This species also has a fascination with smells of attractants, so the pit fall traps effective for these insects.
(3) Citlisocits morio
Morphology of this insects have a common name earwig, elongated, slender and slightly flattened that resembles rove beetles, but has operatives like pincers. Tarsi three segments, types of mouth citwing and simple metamorphosis. Earwig’s younger segments of its antennae less than in adults, with additional segments every time it changes its skin (Elzinga, 2004). Earwigs use forcep (cerci) to catch, pinning up can not be moved on and off its prey. With lithe bodies, earwig to bend over and take the body. In observation, Earwig eating begins at its abdomen just below of this prey, after eating, the head of the prey will be left. From the literature, it is known that witn eating the body of its prey, earwig can also be used to catch another pests usedits forcep (Jelfina CA 2009).
Earwigs are usually found on the surface of the ground that is not a hard and relatively loose. It often run under leaf litter or rocks during the day to forage. The environment classified in humid but not too wet. Temperatures between 25-28° C. Spreading in Indonesia is very uneven and plentiful status.
(4) Amphicyrta dentipes
            This insect belongs to the small insects that often creeps on the ground than fly even though it had wings. It has the characteristics of small-sized black and 1.5-10 mm. It head curved down like a bow. Liked the sandy soil of the hard ground. It prefers silence do witre it is located and generally move only to forage around environment. This animals liked the place which damp and wet because it life was ambient temperature ranges between 20-26° C. In Indonesia this animal encounter in tropical forests and commonly found under leaf litter or under a rock.
(5)     Phyllophaga portoricensis
            Phyllophaga poctoricensis is one species of the genus Phyllophaga which has a body color light golden and shiny. This beetle has a size of about 9 mm and is known as eaters of plants, especially leaves. This beetles like moisture as usual spend the time foraging in the soil moist and relatively loose. It is looking for food in areas with many plants grasses however, that is not too crowded. This animals do not like the wet areas around its living environment temperature of 25-30° C.
(6)     Drosophila melanogaster
            Drosophila is an animal that usually lives in a bright place and spent his life which have a life span of 10-12 days to feed and breed. This animals belong to the insect like a moist but not wet like the place. This insect can be trapped in pitfall trap was because of this animal was attracted by a pungent odor of the attractant. Drosophila melanogaster are not uncommon in the fallow ground and prefers sunlight and life place is at a temperature range of 24-30º C.
(7)     Carabidae
Carabidae possess the characteristics of the body length of about 1 mm to 10 cm. Carabidae female can lay up to 90 items, an average of 1 point in 5 days. All Carabidae morpitd perfectly, so different from the imagonya Carabidae larvae. His body is divided into three parts: itad, thorax, and abdomen. Possessing a pair of segmented antennae, which usually stand in front of his eyes. Has a mouth-type masticatory. A pair of wings gently folded and protected by a cover outside (sitll) that is hard. Carabidae usually only live for 2-6 months. However, Carabidae certain wood borer's life cycle has for several years. Can be found in almost all habitat types in plants, in the soil surface, in soil, in water, in the seed and fruit, and even in the ant nest.     
Based on the results of pitfall trap, Carabidae found in plot 3, which plots under a Banyan Tree. On the plot are found a lot of litter. Carabidae generally generalist predators and live in the bush ground, hiding near the rocks. Its body color is generally dark or metalic and also types of purple or bronze, or colorful sparkling like metal.
Generally this Carabidae actively move quickly and rarely fly. The larvae have elongate body and live in its remains of the leaves or on the ground and have mandibulata lead to the next. Carabidae adults are able to cut the body of prey using mandibulata. Carabidae adults generally active at night, preying on insects that live on the surface of the ground, rarely found up to the top of the plant to search for prey. Genus Calosoma known as a member of this family who rose to plants to find the prey, namely caterpillar Lepidoptera, so known as caterpillar hunter.
(8)     Dolichoderus thoracic
In epifauna animals using pitfall trap methods, animals have been found was Dolichoderus thoracic or also called Black ants. Dolichoderus thoracic found on all plots. In the first plot, found as many as two species; on plot 2, found as many as four species; and on plot 3, found as many as six species. Black ants (Dolichoderus thoracicus) is a species of ant that is widespread in the endemic area of Southeast Asia, especially in areas with altheudes of less than 1,300 meters above sea level. Black ants are often found in citrus, cocoa, coffee, and mango (Kalshoven, 1981). Nest of black ants are usually located above ground level (piles of litter, dry leaves) and also fronds of palm leaves (if cocoa is planted with coconut) or in other places, dry and dark and not far from food sources (Way and Khoo, 1992 ).
Black ants (D. thoracicus) usually fall out of the nest in the morning and late afternoon with the temperature is not too hot. Ants will go top-shoots of plants to get sunlight while carrying out its activities. But during the day that temperatures are hot, this ants will hide in places that are sitltered from the sun directly, as in the nest, behind the foliage, on the ground, and others (Elzinga, 1978 in Rahmawadi, 1997).
(9)     Aranae
The characteristics are:
·         Including Arthropods
·         Has long legs
·         Has eight legs
·         Stay in the rest roomates usually a net rest
·         Do not have wings
·         Had no mouth and teeth
·         Has a single lens eye
·         Have two segments of a body
At catcits animals epifauna using Pitfall traps found a spider on a plot of 1 by 2 species and on plot 2 by 2 species. Spiders are one member of arthropods that have two body segments, four pairs of legs, wingless and does not have a mouth cud. The spiders live in the grass, under rocks or boards and in ruins. This is consistent with the results that have been found, because the spider was found on land that has a lot of litter and grasses.
(10)      Formica
Based on observations of animals epifauna using pitfall traps, groups of 5 found ants (Formica) on plot 2 by 5 tails. Formica is allare insects members of the tribe Formicidae, nation Hymenoptera. Ecologically, this ant nest spread of mangrove forest and the trees along the coast to an altheude of 2400 m.
Ant nest most often found in pastures and is rarely found in lowland tropical forests, but more usually found in forests and agricultural areas with an altheude of about 600 m. It found a lot of stick in some trees, mostly in eucalyptus trees, pine mountain, Kaha, and beech trees, but rarely on trees with a trunk smooth and responsive as Eucalyptus. Ant nest is growing on the plains without trees with nutrients and low altheude above the tree. In the wild anthill inhabited by diverse species of ants and often by three species of the genus Iridomyrmex.
(11)      Symphila
In observation of animals epifauna using pitfall traps, found Symphilla. envy-general characteristic of class Symphyla that habitat in the wet with a segmented body, and the body of translucent color. Food staple vegetables rot. Its body length varies between 2.8 to 6 mm. Based on observations, Symphilla only found on plot 2 by 1 tail.
(12)      Collembola
In the catch animals by methods barless infauna found that one type of Collembola Collembola sp. "its name" Collembola "is derived from" Colle "= glue and" embolon "= piston or peg. This refers to the belief that the ventral tube has aditsive properties, that it is a" glue-peg". However, it tube's function is primarily for excretion and maintaining water balance.
Among the prominent derived characteristics of this group are:
  • Ventral tube ("collophore") on segment 1 of abdomen (adhesive in some groups, but primarily involved with excretion and water transport)
  • Springing mechanism formed from retinaculum on segment 3, furcula on segment 4
  • 4-segmented antennae (segments sometimes subsegmented, giving the appearance of more than 4 segments)
  • 6 abdominal segments
Other characteristics include:
  • Indirect sperm transfer with globular stalked spermatophore
  • Some Neanuridae have polytene chromosomes
  • Adults continue moulting throughout life (up to 50 moults)
  • Reproductive instars alternate with feeding instars
Springtails have the widest distribution of any hexapod group, occuring throughout the world, including Antarctica. They are probably the most abundant hexapods on Earth, with up to 250,000,000 individuals per square acre. They are found in soil, leaf litter, logs, dung, cave, shorelines, etc. Based on the observations, Collembola sp. found on plot 3 in 1 tail. It shows that the soil has a very low fertility rate because an animal Collembola infauna whose role is to enrich the soil and can be used as indicators of soil fertility. So, if Collembola around the area too little fertility, the land is included in the category of less fertile. This is evidenced by the results of testing abiotic using soil-tester, the land included in the category of too little.

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